
Kawasan Falls Badian, Cebu

Matutinao, Badian is the town where Kawasan falls, Kawasan falls is one of the tourist destination in cebu, Kawasn fall is known its magnificent fresh flowing water.

How to get there
It itakes 3 - 4 hours to travel from the City of Cebu and one can take a bus ride at the Cebu South Bus Terminal. There is an alternative aside from taking buses at Cebu South Bus Terminal and that is to take a bus at Librando Terminal for 200PHP. Either of these three will bring you to the town of Badian. Bus fare is around 120 PHP.

From Moalboal to Matutinao there are Jeepneys or buses. During the daytime it is no problem; just on the afternoon could be a problem to find a vehicle who drives one back to Moalboal. But you could also ask a Tricycle driver for a Special Ride. The driver brings you there, accompanies you to the falls and brings you also back. For that you should spend not more than 150-250 PHP.